March 6, 2010

Determination part 2

When the solutions 1 and 2 had failed us, we had to get serious. I got an idea. Let's have a half door that can be closed from OUTSIDE ONLY. This should keep curious toddler and pets in the yard.

Solution 3:

Great. Well, it took some reminding to teach the visiting children always to close the little door when they came in or left. But it kinda worked.

Until one day I come out, glance to the left and I just need to go get my camera.

Here he is, full of determination.
Remember, when he wants something, it is not an hindrance, it is a challenge!

Uh-oh, he could not reach for the lock. Needs to come down...

And rearrange the chairs.

He is having great time...chewing his gum...escaping the yard...

Did it work?


Rearrange again, reach, and ...


I'm outta here!

Where is he going?

As he is running to a neighbor, he is calling his friend's name...

...and the friend was available!

"I just wanted to play with my friend!"


  1. Aivan mainio juttu :)! Ei taia poika pysyä enää oven takana, kun on kerran keksiny tuon kikan. Onko tullu uusia ideoita enää? Teillä on todellinen insinööri siellä kasvamassa.


  2. Hei!
    Onneksi tuo kiipeily vie niin paljon aikaa, että siinä ehtii jo tarttumaan karkulaista housunkaulasta kiinni. Nykyään tuo insinöörinalku on jo niin "iso", että pidämme tuota pikkuporttia auki. Mutta kohta on seuraava taapero karkuiässä :)

  3. Hei mii!
    Niin, taitaa olla isäänsä tullut, insinöörinalku...! Mutta kaiken tietotaitonsa saa käyttää tämän lapsen kanssa :D


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