Who would like to have a picnic in October? Autumn months are the best times for a picnic in Central Asia; it is still warm, but not scorching hot. I visited this spot by a river for the first time, and I loved it.
Mutta kun asetuimme ruoholle pöytäliinoinemme, vuohet päättivät kohteliaasti siirtyä alta pois. Polku kulki ihan pöytäliinan vierestä.
Ja romanttinen lehmä juomassa. Vai romanttinen kuva juovasta lehmästä? Vai romantiikan hakuinen kuvaaja kuvaamassa juovaa lehmää? No, sinnepäin.
Päätin tulla tänne heti seuraavana vapaapäivänä patjan ja kirjan kanssa. Aivan ihastuttavan rauhallinen paikka! Lapset voivat leikkiä ja halutessan uida ja minä voin nukkua päikkärit kedolla kelliessäni.
Mutta nautamaisista naapureista huolimatta paikka on pieni paratiisi pölyisen kaupunkimme katveessa.
This was a dream come true: green grass, beautiful water and...goats?
And cows.
When we were settling on the grass with our table cloth, the goats politely decided to leave them place just for us. Their path was right next to our table cloth.
These boys had to hit it a bit.
This mountain gave a great shade for our spot. Yes, it is still needed in October.
A vehicle for the shepherd boy.
I was amazed. I had not seen these kind of places around here! Grass!?
Oh, it was so quiet and peaceful out there.
Green pastures, still waters...
And a romantic cow having a drink. Or a romantic picture of a drinking cow? Or romance seeking picture taker taking a picture of a drinking cow. Do bear with me.
I decided to come here with a mattress and a book on my next day off. Such a peaceful place! Kids could play and swim if they want, and I could take a nap.
Then Daisy arrived.
She was intrigued.
Daisy helped us to clean up the melon peels.
Mansikin tädillä oli päänsärky. "Pysykää kauenpana, en jaksa nyt mitään remuamista".
Daisy's aunt had a headache. "Stay away, I cannot take any fiddling around right now".
Blossom has an attitude. I did not want to know which kind.
In spite of bovine neighbors, this place is a small paradise by our dusty town.
p.s. Seuraavalla kerralla vesi oli noussut niin korkealle, että ruohikolle ei päässyt ollenkaan. Ehkä se taas joskus laskee...
Next time the river had risen so much that we could not go to the grassy area at all. Maybe it will go down again...
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