I can't believe this! My baby, my sweet little Pinkie Pie, turned one! She has been with us a year already! When she was born I remember looking at her in the hospital and simple being so happy, so happy. I thought: I have a daughter and a son, and now I have this wonderful new baby. I am so lucky! This feeling has lasted for a year and it is not going away.
She is such a peaceful baby. She cried the first time when she was 5 months old. Well, kinda. She has a fun personality. In this picture she is sitting on the counter helping to bake her a birthday cake. Just look at that precious expression! Makes me laugh!

We had a little birthday party planned. We only invited one family, and my local friend came to congratulate Pinkie as well. Here the big sister has given her a chair (she LOVES climbing on the chairs and happily sits for a long time), and her brother is giving her a red ball that he wrapped himself. Pinkie also LOVES balls, and she calls them 'paatu' (don't ask me why).

She is a little careful with new things. Here she just received a doll that laughs aloud. She was very surprised.
Pinkie is wearing the same Central Asian dress that her older sister wore on her 1st birthday!

My first lollipop! She saw them on the table and pointed at them. Of course she got one!

Here comes the cake. I will write later about the peculiar color. It was not planned. I am trying to protect the candle from the AC breeze, but did not succeed.

She liked the candle. I just love how you can see the family members in this picture, too. We were all so excited for her!

Happy family, happy day!

A mother-daughter moment. We have fun together.

A little sister- big sister moment. They love each other and love playing together.
Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!
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