It looks like our winter came and left.
It was short and sweet - just three days of snow.
You learn to seize the moment.
If you want to play in the snow, you do not wait for a perfect moment.
There is snow, let's go!
First I drove too far into the mountains, but got to enjoy these awesome views.
And the kids had enough time to get exhausted in the snow.
Eppu enjoyed gentle slides down the hills - nothing like the wild guys up over there!
This is the same place where we visited last year and I took the horse pictures. I loved that experience. I didn't have time to go check if there were any horses around this time.
Lumi tuli ja suli - kolme päivää.
Jos haluaa laskea mäkeä, ei voi odotella. Nyt on lunta, mäkeen vaan!
Ajoin ensin liian kauas vuorille, mutta sain lohdutuspalkinnoksi ihanat maisemakuvat.